
Themes are not defined yet, existing themes are for testing purposes only, they will be changed in the next versions.

List of Themes

Blue, teal, rose, violet and orange.

Import themes

To import themes you need to add the code bellow in windi.config.js file.

import vueWindi from "./src/plugin";

export default {
  plugins: [vueWindi],

  vueWindi: {
    themes: ["blue", "teal", "rose", "violet", "orange"],

When there are no themes imported, VueWindi will use the default theme (blue).

Customize an existing theme

To customize an existing theme, you can pass an object to vueWindi.themes and replace existing variables.

import  vueWindi  from "./src/plugin";

export default {
  plugins: [vueWindi],

  vueWindi: {
        "primary-100": "#2563eb",
        "primary-200": "#1d4ed8",
        "primary-300": "#1e40af"
    themes: [ "teal"]

VueWindi CSS variables

    "primary-100": "#2563eb",
    "primary-200": "#1d4ed8",
    "primary-300": "#1e40af",

    "secondary-100": "#4b5563",
    "secondary-200": "#374151",
    "secondary-300": "#1f2937",

    "success-100": "#16a34a",
    "success-200": "#15803d",
    "success-300": "#166534",

    "danger-100": "#dc2626",
    "danger-200": "#b91c1c",
    "danger-300": "#991b1b",

    "warning-100": "#ca8a04",
    "warning-200": "#a16207",
    "warning-300": "#854d0e",

    "base-100": "#fcfcfc",
    "base-200": "#fafafa",
    "base-300": "#f8f9fa",

    "dark-base-100": "#181818",
    "dark-base-200": "#151414",
    "dark-base-300": "#0f0f0f",

    "base-text": "#1f2937",
    "dark-base-text": "#f3f4f6",

    "rounded-box": "1rem",
    "rounded-btn": "0.5rem",
    "rounded-badge": "1.9rem",